Free-lance recording/sound engineer/designer with a digital recording studio in London.
Portable multitrack location recording.
Sound system design, rigging and operation for numerous events, including trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, product launches, concerts, cabarets, openings of airports, stations, factories etc.
Sound synchronisation with video and other AV media
A basic knowledge of electronic circuitry, and good general building skills.
Continual self-education in all aspects of sound: synthesis, DSP, hardware and software, acoustics and psychoacoustics, sound systems, recording, playback media and surround sound.
Part-time research based MA in Electronic Arts at Middlesex University. Subject: “Making Ambisonics Useable”.
Max/MSP programmer.
Programming of “3DAudioScape”, an Ambisonic sound manipulation program for Paul Gillieron Acoustics used by Martyn Ware and Braun Arts , released February 2008, and under continual development since. Modification to control MIT’s Wave Field Synthesis and ambisonic systems for Tod Machover’s “Death and the Powers” opera, August 2010. The user front end can also be used to control binaural and other spatial audio algorithms for flexible 3D sound production/
Speaks passable conversational and technical French, and enough Spanish to live by.
Film music with;